Thursday, November 23, 2006

I just read a blog written by a Canadian lady from Nova Scotia who obviously has a deep-seeded contempt, or possibly even hatred, for Americans as well as the capitalist system. I will not refer to her site directly, as I don't want to give her unwarranted attention. She referred to "reforming our capitalist system" because of our unequal distribution of wealth. Well, that would not be reform, but would indeed be communism. Certainly our system is not perfect, and hard work does not always help a person prevail in our society. I know for a fact that I have worked hard all my life, and I am not even close to being at the top of the economic spectrum. However, is it fair for the money I work hard for to be taken away and given to someone who is unwilling to work just because they have less than I do? Perhaps my friend from Canada would be willing to give up half of her wealth and give it to me because I might not have as much as she does. Oh, by the way, I am in Maine at the moment, and very close to Nova Scotia. Perhaps she would be willing to drive down to this little truck stop and buy me a nice Thanksgiving meal, since I am hundreds of miles away from my family, working to support them, while many folks in my home town, as well as across this country, who are more able than I to go to work every day, are sitting around a table purchased with wellfare dollars stolen from hard-working Americans like myself, eating a Turkey dinner paid for with food stamps, in a government owned apartment requiring little or no rent, with other family members who are also too sorry to work and provide for their family. If fathers in our society would be responsible for supporting the children they bring into this world, as well as the mothers of those children, both economically and emotionally, our society would need no reformation.
It is very easy for me to feel sorry for myself. I drive a truck thousands of miles a week, with a bad back and an aching heart from being away from the family I love so deeply. However, I realize that I have so much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving day. I am thankful that God has given me this job so I can provide for my wife and children. I am thankful for a loving, understanding, devoted wife. I am thankful for three beautiful, healthy children. Most of all, I am thankful that God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to save me even though I am undeserving. He did this willingly because He loves me and knew that I was incapable of saving myself.


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