Saturday, March 03, 2007

.......Throughout the course of an average week on the road, I get approached perhaps five to ten times by various people asking for money. As I am unable to help everyone who asks, I usually do not give to any of them. I have always had a problem giving money to someone who is smoking an expensive cigarette, yet say they have nothing to eat. Perhaps that is being cold-hearted, and I discussed this with my wife recently. I fear that some of the truly awful depths that some people allow themselves to sink to, has begun to harden my heart. I wonder how God views my unwillingness to help these folks. One thing this job has taught me, is that we, as mere human beings, are pitiful creatures without the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and I pray that He will forgive me, and not allow my heart to become hardened. I also pray that he will give me discernment to be able to tell the difference between those who truly need my help, and those who will misuse anything I give them.


Rivers of ice,
Flow across the plains,
Just as rivers of ice,
Flow through people's veins,
Hardening folks' hearts,
To others in need,
Rivers of ice,
Flowing in our veins.


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