Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I finally made it home to Georgia late Saturday afternoon, after driving most of the previous night. Three weeks away from my family is much too long, so I have decided to begin driving on the Southeastern fleet with the same company I now work for. It will provide me with the opportunity to be home nearly every weekend, although the pay will be substantially less than what I make on the national fleet. A contributing factor to my decision was the ice storm I had to drive through in Iowa and Missouri last week. We don't get too many of those in this part of the country.
Now, I would like to get something off of my chest. In the news lately, I have heard a great deal about the Michael Richards controversy. In case you do not know, Mr. Richards played the character, Kramer, on the sitcom Seinfeld. While performing at a comedy club recently, he used the "N" word after becoming irrate toward some black hecklers in his audience. While I don't agree with Mr. Richards' comments, and at the risk of being called a racist myself, I must ask a question. Why is it that being labelled a racist in today's society is the worst possible thing that can happen to a person? I believe that one might be better off today being called a thief, a rapist, or even a murderer. God help the man that is labelled a racist.
When is our society going to move past this race issue, and realize that there will always be those among us who are racists, bigots, or just plain stupid. No amount of legislation will ever change that. Our constitution gives everyone in this country the right to say what they wish, even if it is ignorant. It does not, however, give them the right to be heard, and by elevating Mr. Richard's remarks to the level they now are has given him much more of an audience than he deserves.
With all of the serious issues facing our society in America today, I believe that we need to come together as one nation, UNDER GOD, and get back to the founding principles of our nation. If we do not do so, I have to wonder if we will survive.


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