Saturday, December 23, 2006

There really is no place like home. I was able to sneak by the house on Monday night before delivering a load over in Macon, Georgia Tuesday, and I picked up my youngest son. He missed a couple of days of school, but it was time well spent as he was able to ride with me the rest of the week. After leaving Macon, we picked up a load in McDonough, Georgia and hauled it up to Philly. My son had a blast, and now tells everyone that he is going to be a big truck driver when he grows up. I hope it is simply a phase he is going through.
I was not sure I would be able to get home much before Christmas Day, but fortunately I got a load heading me home yesterday, and I don't have to leave back out until Tuesday afternoon. I was able to visit with family that I have not seen in almost two years, including a great-niece that I have only had the pleasure of seeing once in her young life, and that was on the day she was born. Yes, today was certainly a great day, and I am looking forward to Christmas morning with my wife and children, reflecting on how much I have to be thankful for in my life.
Merry Christmas, and please remember, Jesus is the reason for the season.


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